How to Prepare Your Flat Roof for Spring
Spring is an exciting time for many reasons, but mostly because it means the cold weather is finally over! At least for a few months anyway. With the warmer weather also comes the rain, and sometimes hail as well, so you want to make sure that you and your flat roof are properly prepared for when springtime finally arrives in Cherry Hills Village, CO. Here are a few tips to get you on your way.
Clear off Debris
It is unfortunate, but spring cleaning also applies to your roof. When the snow starts melting, it creates a lot of water that needs somewhere to go. That is why it is so important that you remove any debris including branches, leaves, and other stuff from your roof and your gutters so that the water is able to flow off freely.
While you are up there, be on the lookout for any animal nests that might be present. Unfortunately, flat roofs make an appealing location for many animals to make their homes, and the last thing you want is some baby animals causing damage to your roof. If you see an empty nest laying around, then be sure to get rid of it before it becomes inhabited.
Call an Inspector
This is by far the most important step in preparing for spring because a licensed roof inspector is capable of detecting issues that the average person is not. Once the inspector takes a good look at your flat roof, they can point out any minor issues they might see that have the possibility of turning into bigger issues once the spring showers arrive. This should not only be done before spring arrives, but you should also get it done again once summer comes to an end to ensure that the sometimes traumatic weather of spring and summer has not significantly impacted the well-being of your flat roof.
For more information about how to prepare your roof for spring and the rain that is sure to come, be sure to contact Horn Brothers Roofing today.
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