Is Your Roof Ready for Spring?

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Spring is one of the best times to invest in roofing maintenance in Denver. You don’t have to worry about the harsh weather, and it isn’t too hot outside. Whether you are fixing ice damage or performing preventative maintenance, it can be very easy to prepare your roof for the upcoming season.

Types of SkylightsStart with Cleaning Up Winter Damage

As soon as the snow melts and the ice is clear, complete a full inspection of your roof. Winter weather is known for blowing away shingles, knocking down gutters, and creating leaks. Clear the roof of any debris during the inspection; fallen branches, for example, can be a big hazard when performing maintenance later on.

Repair or Replace Your Roof?

Because the weather will be more agreeable in the spring, now is the time to assess if you will need a new roof. Whether you want to upgrade to something more energy-efficient or you are finding damages beyond repair, now is the time to take action. If you aren’t sure if it will be cheaper to replace the roof entirely, talk to a roofing expert.

Clean and Disinfect

One of the many hazards of snow is the excess water it can leave behind. This water can become trapped under older shingles, causing mold and mildew. Even though the mold is outside, it can quickly spread to the inside of the home, especially since growing conditions are better in springtime. Aside from looking for obvious signs of plant growth, take the time to clean your roof. Make sure you use a cleaner specially-marked for roofs and avoid bleach to produce the best results.

Don’t Forget the Vents

Never overlook vents, chimneys, or skylights that open. Dirt and debris can easily pile up in the small crevices, which can make their way into the home. As part of your spring cleaning, wipe down any vents with an appropriate cleaning solution.

Call In the Experts

If you aren’t comfortable performing spring maintenance or discovered a roofing problem, don’t be afraid to call in the experts. At Horn Brothers Roofing, we are always happy to help. Contact us to learn more about our dedicated services.

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