How to Find a Leak in Your Roof

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Roof leaks can have serious consequences if they aren’t dealt with right away. An untended leak could cause you thousands of dollars in roof repairs, and impact your home’s ventilation efficiency. If you’re a homeowner in Morrison, CO, calling a roofing contractor for an inspection is the best way to find a leak quickly and effectively. However, you can still keep these tactics in mind if you begin to notice dripping from your ceiling.

Damaged Roof

Shingles can be damaged or lost due to harsh weather conditions and debris.

Check for Patches

One of the most obvious signs that you’re home has a leak is dark or wet patches on your ceiling or wall. If you notice water marks on either of these areas or dripping while it’s raining outside, you most definitely have a leak to deal with.

Check the Roof Structure

Head outside and check the structure of your roof for any signs of damage. Debris or tree branches can scrape tiles off of your roof, causing an opening for water to get through and into your foundation. Harsh storms can also cause tiles to chip, loosen, or even rip off. If you notice any of these signs, it’s time to call a roofing company for repairs. 

Use a Hose to Spray Potential Leak Spots

If you aren’t fully sure whether a certain area on your roof is causing a leak, you can use this test to find the answer. Take a hose and spray your roof at half pressure. Have another person in the area under the roof to check for leaking. If there are any signs of water entering your home, maintenance is in order.

If your roof in Morrison, CO is leaking, the best thing you can do is call a professional to help. Horn Brothers Roofing has the tools and experience necessary to repair your roof safely. Contact our team today to get started.

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