What Factors Increase Your Chance Of Roof Damage?

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Being aware of the factors that can cause serious damage to your roof is the first step to preventing this from happening. Some are surprising to those who aren’t working for a top roofing company trained in roof maintenance.

By being aware of the factor that your particular home is most at risk of suffering from, you can take the necessary preventative actions to stop too much damage from being done.

Roof DamageUltimately, this can stop you from having to go through the stress and expense of organizing repairs to your roof.

Below are the main factors to watch out for.


When your roof is exposed to hot summer temperatures followed by cold temperatures at night, it causes an expansion and contraction of the shingles that can lead to gaps, which can lead to leaks during rainy winter weather. The UV rays from the sun can cause roof shingles to become misshapen over a login period of time, regardless of how hot it is.

The best solution to this is to invest in a roof made of a material that reflects sunlight rather than absorbs it.


Rainy weather is the ultimate cause of leaks on a roof, but it takes more than rainfall to cause the damage that allows water to seep in. A big factor in this is strong winds, which can slowly pull up the edges and corners of roofs, exposing the insulation. The debris that typically blows into roofs during storms can also chip away at shingles over time.

When exposed to very hot temperatures followed by cold temperatures, the tiles can expand and contract. This will cause them loosen creating gaps where the rain could cause leaks that seriously damage other parts of your home.

Critters and birds

It’s not uncommon for critters such as squirrels or raccoons to do damage to your roof if you live in an area that’s populated by them. Typically, these animals will ruin your shingles while trying to claw at food that has landed on the roof. Birds can do the same thing with their beaks.

Regardless of the roof repair or type of roof you opt for, Horn Brothers Roofing can help you. Contact us today for more information and to receive a free consultation.

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