Being aware of the factors that can cause serious damage to your roof is the first step to preventing this from happening. Some are surprising to those who aren’t working for a top roofing [...]
Gerard Roofing Products is a brand of stone-coated steel roofing that is widely recognized as one of the highest-quality in the industry. Its reliability will ensure that you’ll have no [...]
Prevent Your Roof from Being Damaged It might surprise you to hear that gutter maintenance is a key task to keep on top of if you want to prevent your roof from being damaged. In fact, clogged [...]
Don’t underestimate the impact that a great first impression can make when you’re selling a home. Although it’s true that home buyers are logically looking for the best house [...]
Could a new roof make your dream home even better? A lot of homeowners aren’t aware of the benefits that a high-quality could add to a house that already seems perfect. Sure, there’s [...]
It’s so easy for homeowners to become naive when it comes to the maintenance of their home. Most homeowners have to-do lists the size of their house, and are therefore reluctant to spend [...]
The Impact of Hail on Your Roof We recently just had 2 huge hail storms in a month in Colorado, and with these storms comes damages to your roof. During severe storms, the shingles can be damaged [...]
Roof inspections are vital if you want to avoid the potential for horrific damage and expensive repairs. The fact is that roof damage is very gradual. Like a frog in cold water on the stove, you [...]
The winter is when you’re more likely to experience roof damage, but you can prevent this happening by preparing it well in the summer. One of the biggest issues that can occur during cold [...]
Roof ventilation is often overlooked by homeowners, but if you’ve ever spotted mold or icicles in your attic, it’s likely because your roof is poorly ventilated. Icicles could [...]
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